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Arecibo Radio Observatory Arecibo Radio Observatory
Description: The world's largest single radio antenna; located in Puerto Rico.

Record Last Updated: 08-Jun-2000 | Clicks: 3483


Basics of Radio Astronomy Basics of Radio Astronomy
Description: This workbook, although applicable to all radio astronomy, was developed to support training for the Goldstone-Apple Valley Radio Telescope. The GAVRT is a student and teacher run radio telescope available to education.

Record Last Updated: 3-Feb-2002 | Clicks: 3506


Brandeis University Radio Astronomy Brandeis University Radio Astronomy
Description: The Brandeis Radio Astronomy Group conducts research in extragalactic astrophysics and cosmology at wavelengths covering the entire electromagnetic spectrum, but especially at radio wavelengths.

Record Last Updated: 08-Jun-2000 | Clicks: 3283


Deep Space Network Radio Astronomy Deep Space Network Radio Astronomy
Description: Details on the DSN, what is radio astronomy. JPL/NASA

Record Last Updated: 08-Jun-2000 | Clicks: 3660


Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex
Description: The Goldstone Tracking Station is located in the Mojave Desert about 45 miles north of Barstow, California. Named for the nearby Goldstone Dry Lake, the facility is situated on a 68-square-mile plot of land leased by the National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA) from the Department of Defense.

Record Last Updated: 3-Feb-2002 | Clicks: 3623


Goldstone-Apple Valley Radio Telescope Goldstone-Apple Valley Radio Telescope
Description: The purpose of the GAVRT project is to provide students and educators with curriculum vehicles that will promote science literacy, support a better understanding of the scientific community, and to provide the opportunity to collect real-time data with sophisticated science equipment through distance learning.

Record Last Updated: 16-Dec-2002 | Clicks: 3147


National Radio Astronomy Observatory National Radio Astronomy Observatory
Description: The Very Large Array; The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facility of the National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.

Record Last Updated: 08-Jun-2000 | Clicks: 3512


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