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solar system - sun - weather and storms
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Atmospheric Optics Atmospheric Optics
Description: This is a little different than the normal 'solar' fare, but sunlight playing on water drops, dust or ice crystals in our atmosphere produces a host of visual spectacles - rainbows, halos, glories, coronas and many more. This includes sundogs.

Record Last Updated: 3-Feb-2002 | Clicks: 1279


Geomagnetic Storms Can Threaten an Electric Power Grid Geomagnetic Storms Can Threaten an Electric Power Grid
Description: The sprawling North American power grid resembles a large antenna, attracting electrical currents induced by giant solar storms. Severe space weather occurring during solar cycles has the potential to cause a large-scale blackout in North America.
astronomyLINKS recommended siteThis is an astronomyLINKS recommended site.

Record Last Updated: 10-Apr-2001 | Clicks: 1321


Hourly STD DMSP/POLAR Auroral Activity Report Hourly STD DMSP/POLAR Auroral Activity Report
Description: Maps and images of current and expected auroral activity; updated every 5 minutes.
astronomyLINKS recommended siteThis is an astronomyLINKS recommended site.

Record Last Updated: 15-Jul-2000 | Clicks: 1286


Solar Storms Solar Storms
Description: For thousands of years, the aurora borealis or "northern lights" have lit the skies and human imagination with ghostly incandescence. Most often seen in Arctic regions but occasionally visible as far south as the Mediterranean, they have inspired awe, fright and a fair measure of misunderstanding, but they are a natural part of the solar cycle and weather we get in space.

Record Last Updated: 10-Apr-2001 | Clicks: 1306


Solar Storms and Their Human Impacts Solar Storms and Their Human Impacts
Description: Information on the damage that can result from severe solar storms to electrical, communication and other equipment.

Record Last Updated: 10-Apr-2001 | Clicks: 1174


Solar Terrestrial Dispatch Homepage Solar Terrestrial Dispatch Homepage
Description: Space weather, solar and geophysical support services including space weather hazards and rapid alert notification of pending critical space weather activities.

Record Last Updated: 13-Apr-2001 | Clicks: 1169


Space Weather Space Weather
Description: Get detailed information on current solar induced conditions surrounding the Earth.
STELLAR LINK AWARD Best of the Web 2001
astronomyLINKS recommended siteThis is an astronomyLINKS recommended site.

Record Last Updated: 13-Jun-2000 | Clicks: 1774


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