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August 12, 2014 RIP to Robin Williams, a true artistic genius who made it fun to laugh at ET (Mork). You will be missed.
* LA Times obit
* My thoughts on what he meant to the world.

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Thanks for your interest in submitting a link for addition to astronomyLINKS! It is with a heavy heart that we've decided to discontinue actively accepting new links to the index. While we realize that great new websites are coming online at all times, we've felt the need to stop taking new links for the following reasons:

  • Spammers: The biggest reason for discontinuing new links is because spammers have found that our high ranking in Google is a juicy target for inclusion as a link in the index. While we actively and aggresively delete these links they take a lot of time to wade through.
  • Relevancy: We've got over 1400 links in the index right now, on all manner of subjects. It's likely that every category is sufficiently covered for content.
  • Time: Honestly, this website is a labor of love, and it's taking a lot of time to manage checking on new links, verifying them for inclusion, etc. and my schedule isn't getting any easier (final classes at college, family/kids, and work has ramped up a lot)

I may start accepting links again in the future. If you have a link in the index you may still modify it. Links already in the add queue will be processed eventually - PLEASE be patient with that.

Thanks and sorry for any inconvenience this may cause,

Updated 11/11/2016
:: astronomy headlines ::
> 'Supermoon' Forecast: The Moon Hasn't Been This Close in Almost 69 Years
> Princeton Team Directly Observes Planets Around Nearby Stars
> Cassini video shows methane clouds develop and fade over Titan
> Runaway Black Hole Flees Behemoth Galaxy
> Movie review: Arrival is the brilliant sci-fi this year needs
> The strange 'funnel' on Mars that scientists say could be the best place to look for alien life
> Astronomers Find Brown Dwarf 16,300 Light-Years Away
> The largest space scope ever built is finished
> New Beagle 2 data shows mission to Mars 'was so close to Mars success'
> NASA to launch fleet of hurricane-tracking SmallSats
> New theory of gravity might explain dark matter
:: spaceflight headlines::
> NASA's Earliest and Greatest Astronauts Star in New Exhibit
> Where Will President-Elect Trump Take American Space Endeavours?
> Should We Be Worried About SpaceX's Plan to Fuel the Falcon 9 with Astronauts on Board?
> Nat Geo's 'Mars' Miniseries Ready for Scientifically Accurate Liftoff
> Martian Exploration Company 'Mars One' Merges With Mobile Payment Company In Odd Restructuring
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stellar link award:
> Telescope Bluebook: Information and reviews on over 800 telescopes. (12/28/2004)
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"The Heavens Declare the Glory of God..." Psalms 19:1     <><

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