Thanks for your interest in submitting a link for addition to astronomyLINKS! It is with a heavy heart that we've decided to discontinue actively accepting new links to the index. While we realize that great new websites are coming online at all times, we've felt the need to stop taking new links for the following reasons:
- Spammers: The biggest reason for discontinuing new links is because spammers have found that our high ranking in Google is a juicy target for inclusion as a link in the index. While we actively and aggresively delete these links they take a lot of time to wade through.
- Relevancy: We've got over 1400 links in the index right now, on all manner of subjects. It's likely that every category is sufficiently covered for content.
- Time: Honestly, this website is a labor of love, and it's taking a lot of time to manage checking on new links, verifying them for inclusion, etc. and my schedule isn't getting any easier (final classes at college, family/kids, and work has ramped up a lot)
I may start accepting links again in the future. If you have a link in the index you may still modify it. Links already in the add queue will be processed eventually - PLEASE be patient with that.
Thanks and sorry for any inconvenience this may cause,